COMMON PORTS TCP/UDP Port Numbers 7 Echo 19 Chargen 20-21 FTP 22 SSH/SCP 23 Telnet 25 SMTP 42 WINS Replication 43 WHOIS 49 TACACS 53 DNS 67-68 DHCP/BOOTP 69 TFTP 70 Gopher 79 Finger 80 HTTP 88 Kerberos 102 MS Exchange 110 POP3 113 Ident 119 NNTP (Usenet) 123 NTP 135 Microsoft RPC 137-139 NetBIOS 143 IMAP4 161-162 SNMP 177 XDMCP 179 BGP 201 …

How to check open ports in Linux using the CLI - nixCraft Jul 22, 2019 TCP/IP Ports and Sockets Explained - Steve May 12, 2019 Well Known Port List: nmap-services | Nmap Network Scanning Example 14.1 shows that UDP ports are often registered for TCP-only services such as SSH and FTP. This was inherited from the IANA, who tend to always register services for both protocols. Having the extra entries doesn't hurt, because by default Nmap scans ports with the highest frequencies and low-frequency ports are simply skipped.

May 12, 2019

TCP and UDP Port Addressing - Milin The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assigns port numbers. IANA is a standards body that is responsible for assigning various addressing standards. There are different types of port numbers, as shown in Figure 1: Well-known Ports (Numbers 0 to 1023) - These numbers are reserved for services and applications. They are commonly used for TCP UDP Port numbers and Well known ports, Multiplexing The Well Known Ports are those in the range 0 - 1023. The Well Known Ports are assigned by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) for major protocols. The Registered Ports are those in the range 1024 - 49151. The Private Ports are those in the range 49152 - 65535.

The Well Known Ports are those in the range 0 - 1023. The Well Known Ports are assigned by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) for major protocols. The Registered Ports are those in the range 1024 - 49151. The Private Ports are those in the range 49152 - 65535.

Assigning TCP/IP Ports for In-House Application Use Ports 0-1023 are the Well Known Ports and are assigned by IANA. These should only be used for the assigned protocols on public networks. Ports 1024-65535 used to be called Registered Port Numbers (see rfc1700) but are now split into two areas (see rfc6335).. Ports 1024-49151 are the User Ports and are the ones to use for your own protocols. Various TCP and UDP ports - GeeksforGeeks Lastly, there is a range of ports from port 49152-65535. These are known as Ephemeral ports (or private ports). Ephemeral ports can’t be enlisted with IANA and are commonly utilized for setting up outbound network traffic and connections. All TCP traffic needs one destination port and one source port to establish a connection. Port 2195 (tcp/udp) :: SpeedGuide Ports are unsigned 16-bit integers (0-65535) that identify a specific process, or network service. IANA is responsible for internet protocol resources, including the registration of commonly used port numbers for well-known internet services. Well Known Ports: 0 through 1023. Registered Ports: 1024 through 49151.