Dec 30, 2019 · Yes, it is not a Thunderbird extension, but a standalone program that works with the email-client. Extract the application's archive to a folder, run the ThunderBirdTray.exe, and you will see a Thunderbird icon on your system tray. If the email client wasn't running when you started the tray application, it will open it.
Thunderbird was asking again and again to put in my key's password and Gnome keyring wouldn't remember it, although I asked it to. The problem was, that gpg-agent wasn't running in my session. The problem vanished when I manually started it in the current session with: gpg-agent --debug-level expert --use-standard-socket --daemon /bin/sh Nov 14, 2016 · If you're using Thunderbird, chances are you have more than one account associated with that open source email client. If so, and you're using the GPG plugin Enigmail, you might have come to the The popular extension Enigmail brings full-fledged OpenPGP support to Thunderbird. Enigmail uses the gpg installation of the OS and does use its configuration and the keyring. This leaves things flexible, meaning if Enigmail is uninstalled, the gpg setup stays functional. First things first, we are going to install Thunderbird itself. Enigmail for Thunderbird uses by default since version 2.0.12. Full support is available since Enigmail 2.1 (for Thunderbird 68 or newer): Keys will be kept up to date automatically. During key creation, you can upload and verify your key. Keys can be discovered by email address. Above is only a partial answer. Complete answer is: gpg --import private.key Given the KEYID (e.g FA0339620046E260) from the output:. gpg --edit-key {KEY} trust quit # enter 5
Jun 27, 2020 · Enigmail adds OpenPGP message encryption and authentication to Thunderbird. It features automatic encryption, decryption and integrated key management functionality. Enigmail is based on GnuPG for the cryptographic functions. Note: GnuPG is not part of the installation, but will be downloaded as part of the setup process.
Jan 13, 2014 · Enigmail is an easy to use and handy tool for key management. You can generate public-private key pairs using Kleopatra or Enigmail tool. If you already have the keys generated using Kleopatra, then Thunderbird will automatically import those keys. Apr 28, 2018 · Inside the /home/ directory, use the ls command to make sure that the thunderbird-email-profile.tar.bz2.gpg file is there. If the file is not in this directory and has moved consider doing this command to find it: locate thunderbird-email-profile.tar.bz2.gpg. Using the gpg command, decrypt the locked file. gpg thunderbird-email-profile.tar.bz2.gpg
Enigmail によって、Thunderbird に OpenPGP メッセージ暗号化および認証機能を追加できます。自動化された暗号化および復号機能、統合化された鍵管理機能が特徴です。Enigmail を利用するには、暗号機能を提供するGnuPG が必要です。
Above is only a partial answer. Complete answer is: gpg --import private.key Given the KEYID (e.g FA0339620046E260) from the output:. gpg --edit-key {KEY} trust quit # enter 5